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Wild Raven Adventure

An update from us!

Already another month has gone by. This last was a month of change and adaptation. We met with friends and family in Quebec City at the end of our stay in the old capital, before we left October 27. Unfortunately, we did not have the time to see everyone, but we know that the meetings will continue in the coming months. We're sorry we could not see everyone. Friends, we shall see you soon.

During our stay in Quebec, we had the honour of being hosted by Jean Robert and Odette, friends for a long time. Good food, laughter, friendship and that feeling of being part of the family ... that's what we experienced with them. We will be eternally grateful for all that they have done for us. In addition to offering us a warm, welcoming and peaceful place, Jean Ro and Croquette (her nickname) allowed us to bridge the transition between the end of our adventure and the beginning of our new life. We were very worried about the emotions we would have following the end of the trip and the return to a sedentary life ... This famous shock of return! With them, we did not have time to delve into dark thoughts and we maintained a high level of happiness. The shock was there, but we were very well supported. It is certainly the biggest gift our friends offered us. Friendship, support, listening, sharing and laughter therapy.

Returning from a long journey has always been difficult for us, as it is for many nomadic people and adventurous souls (especially after a long journey). We have gone through the stages of mourning many times and even episodes of depression in the past. Returning to a stagnant environment ... always the same emotions. Feeling overwhelmed by the stress, the surrounding pressure and the refusal to be part of it. Feeling the walls of a room pushing against you and feeling like you're running out of air. The impression of being isolated and misunderstood. These are just some of the effects of our return. Searching the Internet for an article that could shed some light on this phenomenon, I found an interesting text from Laval University written by a psychologist:

I did not find an English version for this text, but I came across the following:

Honestly, we are still in this phase of adaptation. Finding a balance in a new environment, with a new reality. There are days when I feel not very useful and very distracted. Pierre experiences the same feelings, but at least we can talk about it together.

We had to start all over again ... from zero. We had to find a source of income because our budget was depleted, we had to find a place to stay and a vehicle to get around in. We have been so well supported by our friends and a whole community, both in Canada and the United States. We received several jobs offers. We would like, again, to take this opportunity to thank you all for your different offers. The choice has not been easy to make, but finally, we chose Binbrook, Ontario. You may not believe it, but all that follows is true and totally amazing! Bruce Robinson ( offered us a house to stay in, free for the next year. Leah Schwenger, our friend, and also the one who proofreads the English texts for the blog, gave us her old car and a couch. Then, Jean Robert and Croquette, (with the agreement of Joëlle, their daughter now living in San Francisco), provided us with furniture and dishes for the kitchen. Lisa and Jim greeted us with a basket full of groceries upon our arrival in Binbrook. Tina and Coleman, Bruce's son and daughter-in-law, organized a party for us, with all our friends the night we arrived. Tina spent a lot of time in the kitchen preparing all the food and a delicious meal. Then, the next day, we received a new bed from Dan and Reanne Milovanovic, and a rug, a bed frame and a BBQ from Amy Evens. Unbelievable! So much generosity to help us out! So many friendships! We have had difficulty accepting everything that has been going on and absorbing it all. It has been overwhelming! We both have tears in our eyes when we talk about everything we are experiencing together. It's just hard to imagine. We are really well supported by great friends. We must have been born under the right stars!

On Monday, October 30, Pierre began his first day at work. Yes! Pierre received a job offer, in addition to everything we have received, from our friend Michael Schwenger, to work at his company in Burlington, the StressCrete Group. Quebecers, did you know that the huge street lights installed on the Laval University's Rouge et Or field came from StressCrete!?

Since we have arrived in Ontario, we are beginning to settle into our new life. I am currently working on a video, and then, it will be the writing of our book that will take the majority of my time. I would like this book to be finished next spring and available for publishing. I cannot wait to get started on it! We are also booking talks in schools and businesses. If you are interested, or if you know someone who might be interested in having us as speakers, please do not hesitate to contact us.

News from Jasmine now. She is doing well. She adapted to the change like a champion. She was confused at first, but has been able to find comfort and changed her habits quickly. There is a very large fenced-in yard behind the house. There are plenty of squirrels and rabbits for her entertainment. She whines every morning to go out and runs after the intruders who dare to put their paws on her property! There are trails where we can walk with her and a nice neighbourhood surrounding us.

We will give you more detailed news on the next blog post, but for now, we wanted to inform you of the latest developments. So, there it is! Have a nice end of Fall and we'll give you more news in December!

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