DroneXperts & DJI - news partners in our adventure!
DroneXperts & DJI, new partners in our adventure! We are so trill to have DroneXperts and DJI as partners. Thanks to them, we will be...

Nous sommes fiers d'être commandités par ClicAssure.com, une compagnie d'ici qui vous fait sauver temps et argent pour vos assurances....

Some facts about our maps! Faits intéressants à propos de nos cartes!
500 maps, weighing 50 pounds, more than 14,000km … This is what it looks like! 500 cartes pesant 50 livres, plus de 14 000km … Voici à ...
Canada vs population
Wow! Impressive images to look at (click on the link below ... article from Canadian Geographic). Starting March 2016, we will be...

Topo maps / Cartes topographiques
Thanks to Reprographic, we have all the topo maps we need for our 19 months expedition trip. We can start looking more closely at every...

Training in the snow / Entrainement dans la neige
This is how we train for the 200 portages + that we will have to do in the next two years of our expedition in Canada. Beautiful white...