Live interview with Carole MacNeil from CBC News Network
At the end of our first loop on August 31, 2015 #vidéo
Entrevue avec Radio-Canada (Kingston)
Merci Frédérick pour la belle entrevue, votre temps et les superbes images!
Kingston - The Whig
An article was published about our adventure in the Kingston newspaper name The Whig. To read the article, click here! #text #photo

Trent-Severn Waterway (Peterborough) à Baie de Quinte (ON) / 13 - 20 août 2015
*** Pour voir les photos, cliquez ici! *** 13 août 2015 Nous sommes partis relativement tôt ce matin de l’écluse 19 (Peterborough) car...

Trent-Severn Waterway (Peterborough) to Bay of Quinte (ON) / August 13 - 20, 2015
*** To see the pictures, click here! *** August 13, 2015 We left lock 19 quite early this morning (Peterborough) because we had a fair...

Trent-Severn Waterway - Port Severn to Peterborough / July 28 - August 12, 2015
*** To see the picture, click here! *** July 28, 2015 We stayed on site in Port Severn at Lock # 45. Andrew was not quite ready to...

Trent-Severn Waterway - Port Severn à Peterborough / 28 juillet - 12 août 2015
*** Pour voir les photos, cliquez ici! *** 28 juillet 2015 Nous sommes restés sur place à Port Severn, à l’écluse #45. Andrew n’était pas...

Peterborough Examiner
An article was published in the Peterborough Examiner. Thank you Clifford for your time and the nice pictures! :) Click here to read the...
Orillia Packet & Times
An article was published about our journey in the newspaper Orillia Packet & Times. Thank you Patrick for the nice article and your time!...